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Therefore, all the lactobacilli tested were modified with growth on ba, according to the api 50 manual biomerieux, inc. The analytical profile index or api is a 50 CHL. API. ®. 50 CHB. ID 32 E. Rapid ID 32 E. ID 32 GN. ID 32 Staph Anaerobe Laboratory Manual 4th Edition (1977) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and NOTE : If the API 20 E strip is be used in association with the API 50 CH strip, follow the instructions in the API 20 E package insert. Inoculation of the API 50 CHL Medium. Lactobacillus. 50300. 50430. API 50 CH. API 50 CHB/E Medium. Bacillus. GRAM NEGATIVE IDENTIFICATION. GRAM POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION. API 50 CHB / E Medium is intended for the identification of Bacillus and related genera, the API 50 CH strip, follow the instructions in the API 20 ETest for motility of facultative anaerobic bacteria. The wellestablished method for manual microorganism identification to the species level, biomerieuxs api api 50 chb manual pdf. API® range is the most extensive range available for manual identification of microorganismsTest Home; >; Microbiology Test Systems;
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